Considering Buying in Sea Isle City?

If you ask a long time Sea Isle tenant it's a question that is almost always answered with a yes. As the prices blew up between 2002-2006 many of those people had to let go of there dream of ownership here in Sea Isle. But something very interesting has taken place in the last few years that change everything for some of those people. Those three things are:

  1. The Price went down
  2. The Rental Income went up
  3. The cost of money has dropped below 4%.

For many people investment properties Sea Isle make sense on paper for the first time in years. We have New Construction in two and three bedroom units for the first time in 25 years as Sea Isle begins to react to it's new commercial zoning. This will open the door to new Sea Isle Owners at the $350,000 price point. Resale opportunities on 10-15 year old units are amazing with the potential to create rental income matching New Properties with an affordable renovation. These opportunities and more are presenting themselves ever day as we see more and more people act on their dream as prices bottom out here in Sea Isle City.

If you have considered buying please contact me by phone or email so that we can discuss your hopes. I will take the time and just talk to you about what your thoughts are. No pressure, just some information to better educate you, so that you can make a plan that works. Please contact me at your convenience if this message speaks to you. They say that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Take yours today.

Stephen Freda
Sea Isle Realty, Inc.


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